Gta vice city sunshine autos
Gta vice city sunshine autos

gta vice city sunshine autos

OK? SONNY: Who's our contact down there? MAN1: Ken Rosenberg, schmuck of a lawyer. SONNY: and cut ourselves a nice quiet slice. SONNY: So, we send someone down to do the dirty work for us. SONNY: The families can't keep their backs turned while our enemies SONNY: reap the rewards. MAN2: But it's all drugs, Sonny, MAN2: None of the families will touch that shit! SONNY: Times are changing. SONNY: The Colombians, the Mexicans, hell, SONNY: even those Cuban refugees are cutting themselves a piece SONNY: of some nice action. OK? SONNY: We been talking about expanding down South, right? SONNY: Vice City is twenty-four carat gold these days. MAN1: Well, what are we gonna do, Sonny? SONNY: We treat him like an old friend and keep him busy out of town. SONNY: When they see him walking down the streets of their neighborhoods. SONNY: He kept his head down, helps people forget. SONNY: Didn't think they'd ever let him out. I N T R O = Marco's Bistro, Liberty City 1986 SONNY: Tommy Vercetti.Huh! shit. Smith KEN = Ken Rosenberg AVERY = Avery Carrington BAKER = Mitch Baker DONALD = Donald Love CORTEZ = Juan Garcia Cortez MERCEDES = Mercedes Cortez DIAZ = Ricardo Diaz PHIL = Phil Cassidy CAM = Cam Jones HILARY = Hilary King STEVE = Steve Scott CANDY = Candy Suxxx LANCE = Lance Vance UMBERTO = Umberto Robina KELLY = Ernest Kelly PAUL = Kent Paul = 1. 0.2 - 12/18/02 I added the side missions and the asset missions scripts.

gta vice city sunshine autos

VERSION HISTORY 0.1 - 12/17/02 First version, all storyline missions added. If you are going to send any files attached to your E-Mail, make sure it's one of the three following 'file types': "GIF", "BMP" or "TXT". CONTACT INFO If you find any errors on this FAQ, or have any contributions to it, send them to my E-Mail listed above (remember to change the "" for an and the "" for a "."), please include the following subject to your E-Mail: GAME SCRIPT FAQ.

Gta vice city sunshine autos